No Cursing Like A Professional Pirate

Zhanxi Ni
2 min readJun 28, 2021


Swear Jar that’s getting donated to Republican anti-abortion campaigns.

So I curse a lot — when I’m with friends, in interviews, at work, working from home, on dates, on the tennis court, over the chessboard.

Interestingly, the only place where I don’t curse and where others do.. is on the road. I’m actually very very calm when I’m driving… oh, and when I’m heckling people. Because in my heart of hearts I want them to succeed.


I’ve since come to realize that it’s not the most flattering of looks, for the following reasons:

  1. People who don’t hang out with me regularly aren’t used to my curse saturation level, which is very very high. And ..
  2. Cursing is generally indicative of a negative thing happening.

And that’s it.

I do it because .. I’m very tempered and aggressive in social interactions and other seemingly competitive situations, where I get super invested in small things that don’t necessarily matter to other people, but that matter to me. Mm. It’s part of my charm, and also part of my extreme downfall in situations where cursing is not well received.

And I need to learn to be able to turn it off and just cruise. It’s an ugly habit.

And the thing is — is that this habit is not an easy thing to ditch. It’s really not. It’s fairly ingrained in my habits, speech, and personality makeup. But.. I do want to change this.

Because it’s not pretty — and I’m going to have to support policies that are fervently anti-feminist if I do.


